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Caracas, Distrito Capital

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  • 100%

    de compradores lo recomiendan

  • 16 años

    vendiendo en Mercado Libre

  • 8

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Simplicity of Analog - Convenience of Digital.
The Onyx FireWire I/O Card is a true first. This 24-bit/96k card bridges the gap between Mackie's flagship Onyx analog mixers and a Mac or PC, giving musicians and engineers a great-sounding and very efficient way to go from analog to digital - without the need for separate converter boxes or interfaces.

Mackie Onyx FireWire I/O Card Features:
User-installable 24-bit/96kHz FireWire I/O Card for Mackie's flagship Onyx 1220, 1620 and 1640 Series analog mixers
Allows streaming of 12 or 16 independent channels of audio, plus a stereo mix, directly from mixer to Mac or PC
Monitors two channels of audio from computer via mixer's Control Room/Phones section
Allows "daisy chaining" two mixers together, providing additional channels of audio into computer
FireWire technology provides monitoring of audio software and plug-ins with no noticeable latency
Turns any Onyx mixer into a great-sounding, very convenient audio interface to the digital world
Works with any Windows XP ASIO/WDM host (Cubase, Sonar, Live, etc.)or any Mac OS X.3 Core Audio host (Logic, Digital Performer, Cubase, etc.)

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