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Título del libro
Environmental Psychology. People and their physical settings
Harold M. Proshansky, William H. Ittelson y Leanne G. Rivlin

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Género del libro
Ciencias sociales y humanísticas
Subgéneros del libro


Título: Environmental Psychology. People and their physical settings
Autor: Harold M. Proshansky, William H. Ittelson y Leanne G. Rivlin
Descripción: Autor: Harold M. Proshansky, William H. Ittelson y Leanne G. Rivlin. Readings book. Environmental psychology has been able to provide new insights to and ways of analyzing, if not resolving, environmental problems. Thsi book has two general goals: to provide a workings definition of what was then the newly emerging fiels of environmental psygchology and to bring it to the attention of specialists in a wide variety of rtelated areas of study. Many of the selections have been chosen to ilustrate the various directions from wich such a theory is being approached. Ver el contenido y el índice del libro en las imágenes adicionales.
Descriptores: Harold M. Proshansky, William H. Ittelson, Leanne G. Rivlin, Environmental Psychology, Physical settings, Environmental perception, Natural Environmental, Built Environmental, Urban Design, City, Anthropology of Space, Architectural Spece
Características: 24 x 17 cm., 631 paginas, USA, 1976, Second edition
Código: 7901
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