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Características del producto

Características principales

Título del libro
Brahma Sutra Bhashya of Shankaracharya
Swami Gambhirananda
Editorial del libro
Advaita Ashrama (Calcutta, India)

Otras características

Género del libro
Ciencias sociales y humanísticas
Subgéneros del libro
Tipo de narración


Brahma Sutra Bhashya of Shankaracharya – Translated by Swami Gambhirananda
Sanskrit Text with English Translation and extensive comentarie
Usado como nuevo Impecable


Fifth Impresion April 1993
Printed In Calcutta, India
920 pages
Hardcover with plastic over

The Brahma Sutras along with the Upanishads and the Bhagavad Gita form the triple canon--the Prasthana-traya--of the spiritual tradition of India. A study of Shankaracharya`s great commentaries on them is indispensable for all students of Vedanta; and translation of the commentaries is of utmost importance to those whose limited knowledge of Sanskrit will not allow the study of the commentaries in the original. The work is known by other names including Vedanta-sutra, Sariraka-sutra, and Bhiksu-sutra. The Brahma Sutra Bhasya is an important but difficult Vedanta scripture. This is our most popular translation, and is regarded by some as indispensable for all students of Vedanta. Includes word for word meaning of each aphorism under its Sanskrit text, followed by a running translation, with additional words in brackets for clarification. This volume presents a reliable translation of Shankara`s Commentary on the Brahma Sutras by the eleventh President of the Ramakrishna Order

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