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Product name: household OxygenBar
Model: MAFO15AW
Scope of application: use as household oxygenating
not use for medical treatment
PSA methods: PSA
The input power: 115W
Rated voltage: AC 220 v, 50 HzDAC 110V, 50HzM
Current rating: 0.5 A
Air output: 1~6L/min
Output pressure: <100kpa
Negative oxygen ion: > 6 million particles/cm³
Noise: about 48dB
product size: 302* 168*325 mm
Net weight: 5.2kg
Electrical categories: II
Execution standard: GB4706.1-2005
Q/MAF 01-2017
Oxygen concentration: 30%~90%
Remote control function: Yes
Spray function: Yes
Cumulative function: Yes